Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Christmas cards
Snow and space
Yesterday night, Christer Fuglesang has walked in space again to fix some electrical problems. His 2nd time. Maybe he have to do a spacewalk again, his 3rd, to do some work on the solar panels.
Tonight, the Swedish TV will interview Christer in live broadcast, and of course I will watch it. I hope the interview will be subtitled tonight.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas presents
But last week at the deaf club, one woman told us all: "No chocolate boxes as Christmas presents! I'm so tired of chocolate! Chocolate is such a boring gift! Don't buy chocolate!" she said angrily to us.
Hmm... Now I'm thinking of buying a chocolate box and give as Christmas present at that party...
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Fuglesang's space travel
I will stay up all night until 2-3 am and watch it live on tv. It´s space-fever now in Sweden!
Christer will be the first Swede in space, and I read he will take gingerbread and moose meat with him. He wanted his astronaut friends to taste some of Swedish food. Interesting!
I'm holding my thumbs for him! "Hold my thumbs" is a Swedish saying for "Cross my fingers".
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Closed hospitals
But yesterday, I read in the newspapers that some hospitals had to close for some days or longer. Visitors are not allowed to visit these hospitals.
Why? It's because many are sick in the so-called "vomit disease" right now. I don't know what it's called in English, but this is how we say in Swedish.
The "vomit disease" is an extremely contagious disease. That's why visitors are not allowed to visit the hospitals.
There are not enough nurses to take care of the patients, because they too are sick! So the hospitals want to save both the patients already in the hospitals and the visitors.
So I called my doctor to cancel my appointment and changed it to an another date. I don't think I want to visit any hospital right now! Better wait until later... The doctor (or really the receptionist) said it was ok and I got a new appointment in about one month. I hope things are better by then!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Pic of the day

Yesterday, it was very stormy. The weather forecast had warned of very strong winds coming from Scotland, but this wasn't that bad. Here in Lulea, we are used to strong winds, because we live near the ocean. So, the yesterday's storm was manageable.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Our excursion
Monday, September 18, 2006
The day after
The last one, Goran Persson has been our prime minister for 15 years. I think the Swedish people felt it was time for a change and choosed an another party than S.
I also think that the Swedish people will vote back to S at the next election about 4 years. That depends on how M will manage until then...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Swedish election
Anyway, here in Sweden we have about 6 big parties to choose from, some are rightish, other are leftish. They are: M, Fp, Kd, C, S and V (abbreviation of the parties, I'm too lazy to write their full names). There are many other small parties to choose from, but not many vote on them, yet.
Right now S is holding power. Let's see if the Swedish people vote on S tonight or on another party?
Tonight I will sit up waiting for the election results, they show it on TV and it is always exciting to see which party will win!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
"I met Lassie"
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
An autumn tradition in Sweden

Last night, I have been to "Surstromming party" at our deaf club. "Surstromming" = fermented baltic herring. We eat raw herring with potatoes, tomatoes and onions, and also "tunnbrod" which is a kind of bread. You can see it on the pics here. And yes, you read it right, we eat raw herring!
Every year around August 19-30, we have Surstromming parties. It is big here in Sweden, especially in the northern parts of Sweden. I know that some, or most foreigners hate the taste of this Surstromming. But they are not used to it! It's not that bad, it just takes time to get used to this.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Dating advices
- Children? It doesn't matter if he already has children. Children grow fast. You just blink and whooosh! suddenly they are grown up and leave the nest.
- Weekend-dad? That is good too. This shows he is a responsible person who take care of his children.
- Drinks? Honestly is good. If he says he never drink, you have to ask yourself why... does he lie about his real drinking habits?
But! Avoid those who take drugs.
- Age different? It doesn't matter, the most important is what you feel for each other.
- Never married? These guys are cute, but unexperienced. Maybe he try to wash red socks with white clothes or something like that. Maybe he even lives with his mother. But don't worry, that's no big problem. That can be taken care of.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Autumn now
This summer has been hot, 30-35 C and that's too hot!! I couldn't even walk without sweating. Now the weather's starting to cool off a little. Today was 21 C, that's more normal for a Swedish summer.
Sure, it's great with a warm summer, but it should not last too long!
Two months of hot weather is enough for me! Now it's time for autumn.
Oh, and it's time for autumn fashion! The autumn clothes are already in the shops, and I can't wait for my salary on the 25th!!! I can't wait for shopping!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
My summer holiday
This is what I have done during my summer holiday:
I have read books.
I have travelled to 2 countries.
I have been shopping.
I have eaten 3 birthday cakes.
I have spent times with my family.
I have been out on 2 dates.
I have eaten ice cream.
I haven't bathed in the sea, but have waded in the water on the beach.
And this summer I succeeded to get a nice suntan without getting burnt!
Monday, August 07, 2006
My Norwegian date
Anyway, two weeks later he called me on the MSN chat. He told me he want to date me again. What? What happened to his other date? He wants me to visit his home in Norway, but that is not going to happen. Obviously he can't make up his mind.
I keep on searching...
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Misse is fine now
She doesn't seems to have problem with her paw anymore.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Cat accident

I am back to Sweden again, now staying at mum's house near Malmo.
Will stay here during the rest of the summer.
An accident happened to mum's cat, we don't know exactly what had happened. She has a big sore on her paw and is limping.
At first we thought the cat had jumped off a roof, but the veterinarian thinks it was in a fight with an another cat. The veterinarian told my mum to give the cat medicine every day for one week.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
My English date in Newcastle
Last week, I have travelled to Newcastle, England for a couple of days. I met my English date and spent some days with him there. It was hot and sunny there, about 30 C degrees, little hotter than at home in Sweden. It rained one day, the other days was sunny.
How did Newcastle got its name? A long time ago, someone built a castle for himself there, and then he told people about his new castle upon Tyne. That's how Newcastle got its name.
I visited some villages outside of Newcastle: Whitby, York, Stockton, Darlington.
Whitby is a special little village, the tv-series "Emmerdale" and "Heart beat" have been filmed on location there. Whitby Abbey, the ruins have inspired Bram Stoker to the movie Dracula.
There is some kind of a Dracula-festival going on there once every year, people dress as Dracula, witches, magician etc and do some partying there.
Whitby is also known for an another thing - Captain James Cook have lived there (you know the captain who sailed to New Zeeland and Australia).

York is an old town from the Roman Empire and you can go on a ghost trail there, as the tourist broschures says. According to the tourist broschures, ghost are walking around in York, especially on the Roman Wall. The Romans built a wall to prevent York from beeing attacked by the Scots.
It seems that some Roman soldiers have been left there and still patrol on the wall, but now as ghosts. Notice the picture, that there is no fence to avoid people to fall off, and it was a steep hill down there. It was little nervous to walk there, and I had to walk carefully not to fall down.
There are some cute dog statues in Stockton. Other than that, there isn't much to see there.
The date went fine and he was an nice man. I must think about this for a while.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Gone fishing
In Sweden people have the right to take 5 weeks holiday from their work. Most people take 4 weeks holiday in July month, because July is the warmest month here in Sweden. The 5
So, from next Monday, I will be off work for 4 weeks on my summer vacation, and I can go on the two dates I wrote about earlier. Most of the summer, I will stay at mum's house and spend time with my family. During a couple of days, I will travel to Newcastle, England and meet the English date. Then I will meet my second date, the Norwegian date in Sweden during one day.
Have a nice summer everybody!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Dating on the Net
Is Sign Language international, maybe you ask now?
No, Sign Language is not international. Every country has it own Sign Language.
As you know, Switzerland even has several languages: German, Italian, French and Romanch, if I remember it right from my school time.
It’s the same with Sign Language. In Switzerland there are French and German Sign Language.
In Sweden, we only have one Sign Language – the Swedish Sign Language - thank goodness!
Sign Language is different in every country. Some examples:
In Sweden, we sign the word “yes” by signing the alphabeth letters “J” and “A”.
But in Norway and England they sign ”yes” different from the Swedish Sign Language.

Norway: This Norwegian sign for “yes” means “maybe” in England, and “childish behavior” in Sweden.
England: “Yes” in England, but in Sweden it means “nodding” or “pretend to understand” or “be deceived”.
Confusing? No, not if you have learned to understand the different Sign Languages.
I have learned some BSL (British Sign Language) but not the Norwegian Sign Language. I think we can understand each other well even thought I don't know Norwegian Sign Language.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
After the ordaining
You can see some pictures from Anne-Maj's blog here.
She also signs about this day in her vlog and she shows more pics in her video.
Monday, June 05, 2006
First deaf priest in Sweden
Anne-Maj write more about this in her blog. If you know Swedish Sign Language, you can read it here. She has interviewed Johan Selin, and he told her that he used to play priest when he was a child. Later, after his one-year work in Tanzania, he decided to study to priest, which he has succeded at it now. Johan did his studies in Uppsala, near Stockholm, which is far away from his wife and two children. But he could to go home on the weekends, and came back to the studies on weekdays.
Johan wanted to change the church for deaf people, and raised a debate about Sign Language in church services. The priests had too little knowledges in Sign Language by then. Now, the hearing priests have got further training in Sign Language, and now signs in the church services.
We can also learn from Anne-Maj's blog that in U.K there are 3-4 deaf priests, and a couple more in other places around the world. But here in Sweden, Johan is the first deaf who will be ordained to priest.
Congratulation to Johan Selin!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A talking cake

Some minutes later, I got a text message from her, saying "Happy Birthday on your 39-years day? I am only 36 years!" What? I haven't written that! Where did she get that from?
My sister explained to me, it was the birthday-cake that talked and said that. Oops! I didn't know that the cake talked too! Because I'm deaf, I didn't heard that.
But my sister understood that I couldn't hear what the cake said.
She was happy anyway. :-D
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Soon it's my birthday. My wishing list? I don't know what to wish, I think I have everything I need...
Now I know what to wish!
- Eat strawberry-cake.
Fresh strawberries are usually not available in shops up here in north during the winter and most of the spring. The strawberries usually come to the shops in the end of May.
So I have made it to my own tradition to always have strawberries on my birthday cake. And it also become a première to eat strawberries on my day.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The tourists are here now
It was cold outside + 4 C in the morning.
Poor guys! They must have been freezing when they got off the train!
How will they manage in Sweden? :-D
Monday, May 15, 2006
Where is the summer?
It was hailing outside.
And cold + 3 C.
Where is the summer?!?
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
I have been unfaitful!
Great to communicate in sign language with the hairdresser! Unusual to meet an "official" person who know sign language. I hope that more and more hearing people learn sign language, to be able to communicate with deaf little easier. And it is so fun to learn something new!
And about my hair? Yes, it was alright, I cutted my hair little shorter and it looked good.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Big Brother
But when BB did an exchange with Thailand’s BB, I started to watch again. Boo from Thailand came to Swedish Big Brother, and our Swedish Anton travelled to their Big Brother in Thailand. Very interesting to learn about the Thai culture! When Anton came back to Swedish BB, I stop watching it. Mainly because it is not subtitled.
My favorite is Anton, even thought I haven’t watched BB for months. The other people in BB are just embarrassing.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Hottest spring ever
Last Sunday was beautiful and nice weather. Sunny all day. About 15 C.
Feels strange to wear summer clothes when the ice is still there in the lake near my home.
But it is warm enough to wear summer clothes.
Last year, same time, it was cold in the air, but the ice had already melted away.
This time, the ice is still there and it is really warm weather.
Strange weather… but I really appreciate to get rid of my winter clothes and start to wear summer clothes!
Friday, April 14, 2006
More pics from Laos
The Thai people count their years from when Buddha was born, which is year 0 for them. Buddha was born on 543 BC. So, when we say year 2005, the Thai people say year 2548.
Why was it year 2005 on the calendar when I was there in 2006? Old calendar? No, that’s because they celebrate their New Year in April month. So they didn't changed year yet when I was there in February month.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Bridge between Laos and Thailand

This bridge was delayed due to an accident. A construction worker on the Thai side of the bridge fell and died. So the work on the bridge stopped for a couple of months. Maybe they have started working on the bridge again, I think.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Holy basil - Laos

It was actually good, but very spicy. Now I understand why it calls Holy basil. It is so spicy that you become almost holy. I drank a lot of water. But it was good food!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Some pics from Laos

A toilet in Laos - there is no toilet paper and no soap... so I had to bring my own toilet paper (taken from my hotel room) and wet tissues to wash my hands. You do not sit on this toilet seat, but you stand with your feet on the seat and squat.
Monday, April 10, 2006
My Laos travel
It was a good trip. Nice people and warm weather. Great to get away from our winter for a while, I travelled for two weeks in February. I know, been lazy to update this blog...
I tried to get a tan. When we were outside and waited for the meetings to start, I turned my face towards the sun to get some tan in my face.
Surprisingly, the weather in Laos was really pleasant, in spite of Laos beeing a tropical place. It was about 25-30 C, almost like a really hot Swedish summer day. For them in Laos it was cold and winter, but for me as a Swede, it was really hot.
Before I travelled to Laos, I was worried that it would be too hot and humid there, but it wasn't. I have been there once before, in September 3 years ago, it was toooo hot (about 40 C), humid and muddy roads. My feet and shoes got all dirty from the muddy roads, and the cars had a hard time to drive on the roads.
This time in February it was better weather, dry and the cars could drive on the roads without problems. And I could keep my shoes and feet clean.
I got the chance to ride a moped and that was great! I didn’t drive myself, I sat on the back seat or whatever you call it when you sit behind the driver on the moped. There was a group of nice deaf girls who offered us to ride on their mopeds.
I saw one thing which made me a little upset. There was a guy, a deaf man from Thailand who visited Laos for a couple of days as a tourist, and he joined us for dinner in the evenings.
He walked straight to one of the girls, told her to get off her moped and let him drive. He didn’t ask nicely, but told her in a rude way. She tried to protest, but too weakly. He didn’t listen to her and whisked to her to get off the moped. Finally she got off her moped and he drove it.
There really is a need for fight for equality here!
Anyway, I hope to return to Laos again. Depends if my deaf association send us there again for volontary work.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
An embarrassing thing
After work, I walked home as usual, and when I turned my key in the door lock, I couldn’t open it. Strange… The lock doesn’t work? Tried again to turn the key. The door didn’t open. Started to sweat and panic a little.
Then I saw a sticker on the door. What? I don’t have any stickers on my door, why is that sticker there? Started to think, and suddenly looked at the name on the letterbox. My name wasn’t there, but an another name was there. I had walked to the wrong door! This is 2nd floor and I live on 3rd floor.
Took the key out, and ran up to my own floor. Phew! Luckily, nobody saw me and the guy who live on the 2nd floor didn’t seem to be at home at that moment. If he had been at home, maybe he would think it was a burglary. He he
That was embarrassing, and when I came inside my own apartment, I laughed a little for myself.
Such things happen when you are absent-minded!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Text telephones in England
Text telephones in England are different from Swedish text phones. Most things are same, but some things are different. When we write "come" or *, they write GA instead. When we finish the phone call we write "kl sl", they write SK instead. "Kl sl" means "over and out".
They have special keys for GA and SK, which we don't have. On Swedish text phones we must write c-o-m-e or "kl sl" with the ordinary keys.
And they have another special key, which don't exist in Sweden. That is the emergency key. If something happen, like burglary, fire or abuse, you use this key to give alarm to the police. Wow, we should have something like that for deaf in Sweden!
But sometimes mistakes happen. My friend told me, one day he was dusting off his phone. He touched the emergency key by mistake, but he didn't notice it. After a little while, when he sat in the sofa and read a newspaper, the police came into his apartment!
The police had a copy of his apartment key, so when they got the alarm, they went to his house and opened his door and walked in to his living room. My friend was very surprised to suddenly see two police men standing in the living room!
The police asked my friend if something have happened. No, he said. But then he remembered that he had dusted off his textphone. The police understood it and said to him, next time he clean the phone, he must pull out the plug cord to not start the alarm again by mistake.
Interesting with English text telephones!
One day in London
So, next morning, we took a bus from his home to the nearest Tube station. He explained to me which bus to take, how many bus stops there are and where to get off the bus.
Ok, so far everything was clear to me.
At the Tube station, my friend showed me where to take the bus home to his house. This bus stop is not at same place as the one we recently got off from the bus. One bus stop is on one side of the Tube station and the other bus stop is on the other side of the station. Very confusing.
Anyway, my friend dropped me off at the tube station, and I went shopping at the Christmas sales.
Later that afternoon, I went back to the tube station with full loaded shopping bags. I walked to this bus stop my friend had showed me earlier. I even hopped on the right bus, I checked the bus number very carefully.
It was dark out now, and it was hard to see the bus stops. I counted the bus stops, there would be 6 of them, as my friend told me earlier this morning. At the 6th bus stop, I hopped off the bus. But it didn't seemed right. Where is that small shop where I bought my one-day bus card? And where is that hairdresser salon next to the small shop?
I quickly walked back into the bus, walked to the bus driver and asked him: "Excuse me, but I think I have missed my bus stop." I told him where my bus stop is and asked him if he know where it is. He said something I didn't hear, but I think he said that I should have told him before, so he could show me my bus stop. I told him "I'm sorry" and asked him if I should take another bus back?
Now he got very angry and shouted at me, and said lot of things I didn't hear. I was surprised. I don't know why he became so angry. He shouted a long time. Another passenger, a woman, pointed to a bus stop across the street and told me to go there. I thanked her and got off the bus. This was embarrassing. Everybody in the bus was looking at me and I felt ashamed.
I waited at the bus stop for about 10 minutes until the next bus came. This time I asked the bus driver (not same bus driver, this was another one, phew!) to tell me where to get off at the tube station. I planned to go all the way back to the tube station and ask my friend to come and pick me up there.
After 4 bus stops, I suddenly saw "my" shop and the hairdresser salon. I quickly got off the bus. Finally something I recognize! Phew! The rest was easy, walk past the shop, turn right and then to my friend's house.
I texted on the mobile to my sister about what had happened today. She answered back on the mobile: "Don't get lost! You should always follow your friend! Don't mess it up!"
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Some facts about Laos
Laos' neighboroughs are: Thailand, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma.
Capital: Vientiane.
Number of inhabitans: 6,2 millions
National Day: Dec 2nd
Laos have been French before. That's why there are still many signs in French language. For a short time during the 2nd World War, Laos was occupied by Japan, but France took Laos back again.
Laos became free from France 1953.
Currency: Kip
I can't exchange to kip here in Sweden, so I must exhange to kip in Laos, i.e at our hotel or at a bank in Laos.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Big Brother Sweden have started now
There is nothing else to do than to put my life aside.
"Resistance is futile!"
Don't disturb me at 19.00 in the evenings! Because it is Big Brother on TV! ;-)
My first blog
In this blog I will write about my trip to Laos, so mum and dad don't have to worry about me when I am there. I hope there is a computer with internet at my hotel in Laos, so I can write regurlarly in this blog. I also hope that mum and dad know how to find and read this blog. Maybe I have to teach them...
But I know my sister is reading this blog :-)
My trip to Laos is not a holiday, it is for work. My deaf club are supporting deaf schools in Laos, and we will travel there to see what they have done so far with our contribution, look at their new deaf school, learn more about their recently started vocational training etc.
And sorry if my English isn't perfect! ;-)